26 Lowther Street, Carlisle, CA3 8DA

The last adviser in our series… a round of applause please for Tom Graham!

The last adviser in our series… a round of applause please for Tom Graham!


Tom Graham 

What do you do at Stan Sherlock Associates? 

I am a Mortgage and Protection Adviser, providing professional and tailored advice to help you achieve your financial goals. I pride myself on giving a bespoke service, treating you as an individual so I have a true understanding of what you want to achieve

Why did you become a mortgage and protection adviser? 

It was the next step in my career in the financial sector. Having worked in banking before I came to Stan Sherlock Associates I wanted to develop my skills and understanding. I worked closely with our Practice Principle developing my knowledge of the housing market and the best way to find solutions for our clients. I loved the challenge, and then thrill, of helping someone buy their dream home. Now, with a broader and more in-depth knowledge, I am much more useful to my clients.

What has surprised you the most about working in Financial Services?

How everybody’s goals/dreams are different; and the relationships you build with people during the process. The personal side of the service is what makes the job so rewarding. Seeing people achieve their goals makes the hard work so worthwhile.

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Easy going, Caring and funny. If I do say so myself!

Would your family use the same three words?

I asked them and they said: “Not the words we would use… thoughtful, horizontal and a joker.”

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

I think I would like a super strength telescope; this would allow me to people watch which I find so interesting and would pass the time. The other item would be my vinyl player and records, no special reason for this just a good song can change a bad mood.

If you could choose any super power what would you choose and why?

If I had a super power I think it would be the power to take others’ superpowers. It’s a win win situation – this way I can have all the super powers!

How can you help me?

I genuinely care about my clients and helping you is a very personal process to me. I will make every effort to help you achieve your goals by treating you as an individual. I will see you through the whole process from start to finish. Helping you find the right mortgage, the right protection for your family and assets, and the right insurance for your home and belongings. 


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As part of our series “Getting to Know our Advisers” we introduce you to Emma Sherlock…

Stansherlock Family

As part of our series “Getting to Know our Advisers” we introduce you to Emma Sherlock…


Emma Sherlock 

What do you do at Stan Sherlock Associates? 

I’m one of two Directors at SSA.  My main role is making sure that we are a well oiled machine creating fantastic end results for our clients.  

What has surprised you the most about working in Financial Services?

It’s not all about numbers! You would think anything to do with money would all be number focused and very black and white – like maths. But it’s not! Financial services is all about relationships, families and goals. It’s about listening and understanding. Everyone is an individual with a different story to tell, different background and different needs and desires. I love that part of our business; learning about what people want, their story and what they hope for in the future. Helping them reach their financial goals and then protect their achievements.

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Outgoing, pro-active, passionate

Would your family use the same three words?

Haha probably not – maybe loud, bossy and “good at tidying!”

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

I was going to say my mobile and a charger to keep in touch with my family while I wait for the emergency services to save me… then I realised there would be no electricity. So, I’d take a vat of factor 50, because I am so fair I burn really easily, and a pair of trainers so I can run, climb, jump, and explore the island!


If you could choose any super power what would you choose and why?

I think I’d like super speed! I have 3 children and a full time job, I’m a mentor at the Carlisle Youth Zone and on the school PA. I’m a pretty busy person that finds it hard to say no, so I think if I had super speed, like Dash in the Incredibles or the Flash from Justice League, I would have so much spare time on my hands I might even get to go for a massage!

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Anne Preston Joins Stan Sherlock Associates

Anne Preston Joins Stan Sherlock Associates

An adviser with 30 years experience has joined us this week at Stan Sherlock Associates.

Anne Preston, who will specialise in Mortgages and Protection, brings her expertise from varied previous roles and we’re delighted to welcome her to the team. Her impressive career covers a diverse portfolio of skills and qualifications, and her experience will support our clients and the wider team.

Anne’s advisory qualifications and experience include mortgages, specialist insurance, business protection, final salary pension schemes, Trusts and offshore investment bonds and private medical insurance. Anne has also previously managed personal accounts including underwriting the cases of several high-profile clients.

Anne has continually studied throughout her career to provide high-quality advice and ensure compliance with changing regulations. She is looking forward to supporting our clients. She told us, “I love researching and recommending the right products to my clients, particularly those who may have found it difficult to access the services they need. Good financial advice is like a puzzle that needs to be researched and solved, and no two clients are the same, they all need an individual solution, which suits their individual budget.”

It’s an unusual time to introduce a new colleague to our team but it’s very much business as usual for us. We are running our induction programme virtually and Anne has already joined our full team meeting, online. Thanks to our technology and systems, she will soon be managing our clients’ affairs on the phone and via video calls in line with social distancing restrictions.

Anne was born and brought up in Carlisle, before working in the financial sector in the West Midlands. She was delighted to return to the city two years ago to be closer to family. She has two grown-up daughters and in her spare time loves a spot of DIY, reading and researching her family tree. She is looking forward to being able to spend time by the seaside with her family after lockdown is lifted. 

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Getting To Know Our Advisers…

Stansherlock Family

Getting To Know Our Advisers…

Want to know more about the people giving you advice? We’ve interviewed our advisers to enable you to get to know them better and will be releasing one a week over the coming months.  


Bobby Sherlock 

What do you do at Stan Sherlock Associates? 

I am the Practice Principal and a Financial Adviser. I have worked in the family business for 19 years and have been an adviser for 15. 

Why did you become a financial adviser?

It was a very natural decision for me. I’d lived and breathed the family business from a young age and so always wanted to be a part of it. I was 6 when Stan founded Stan Sherlock Associates and I watched and shared the pride he had in helping clients and looking after their needs. I wanted to have that job satisfaction as well. I get a great sense of achievement helping people realise their dreams, be that buying their own home, or retiring with enough money to live comfortably.

What has surprised you the most about working in Financial Services?

Just how much of a positive impact I can have on people’s lives. I didn’t expect or know, when I started, that the advice I provide would make such a difference. It is my favourite part of what I do, being able to simplify and sort complex issues for clients.

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Competitive, determined and happy!

Would your family use the same three words?

No… they would use stubborn, caring and untidy

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

A ball (cricket, tennis, rugby or golf, not too fussed which one) to play with and because I would want to keep my hand eye coordination up to scratch – Need to stay sharp! And a good non-stick pan for cooking dinner. I love to cook so I would make like Simon Rogan and go foraging for all the interesting vegetables and herbs on the island and cook up a feast!

If you could choose any super power what would you choose and why?

Regenerative power! No more getting injured, no concerns about crashing cycling and I’d finally try and do the backflip the kids want me to do on the trampoline!

How can you help me?

I am passionate about getting the best outcomes for clients. I have spent the last 15 years solving problems and helping people create opportunities with their finances. No question is too big or small, too complex or too simple. It’s my job to ensure you understand your position and how you can move closer to your goal. If you need your hand holding as a first-time buyer, I can help, or if you are a seasoned investor and just need a sense check, I can help.

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