26 Lowther Street, Carlisle, CA3 8DA

Stansherlock Family

Getting To Know Our Advisers…

Want to know more about the people giving you advice? We’ve interviewed our advisers to enable you to get to know them better and will be releasing one a week over the coming months.  


Bobby Sherlock 

What do you do at Stan Sherlock Associates? 

I am the Practice Principal and a Financial Adviser. I have worked in the family business for 19 years and have been an adviser for 15. 

Why did you become a financial adviser?

It was a very natural decision for me. I’d lived and breathed the family business from a young age and so always wanted to be a part of it. I was 6 when Stan founded Stan Sherlock Associates and I watched and shared the pride he had in helping clients and looking after their needs. I wanted to have that job satisfaction as well. I get a great sense of achievement helping people realise their dreams, be that buying their own home, or retiring with enough money to live comfortably.

What has surprised you the most about working in Financial Services?

Just how much of a positive impact I can have on people’s lives. I didn’t expect or know, when I started, that the advice I provide would make such a difference. It is my favourite part of what I do, being able to simplify and sort complex issues for clients.

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Competitive, determined and happy!

Would your family use the same three words?

No… they would use stubborn, caring and untidy

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

A ball (cricket, tennis, rugby or golf, not too fussed which one) to play with and because I would want to keep my hand eye coordination up to scratch – Need to stay sharp! And a good non-stick pan for cooking dinner. I love to cook so I would make like Simon Rogan and go foraging for all the interesting vegetables and herbs on the island and cook up a feast!

If you could choose any super power what would you choose and why?

Regenerative power! No more getting injured, no concerns about crashing cycling and I’d finally try and do the backflip the kids want me to do on the trampoline!

How can you help me?

I am passionate about getting the best outcomes for clients. I have spent the last 15 years solving problems and helping people create opportunities with their finances. No question is too big or small, too complex or too simple. It’s my job to ensure you understand your position and how you can move closer to your goal. If you need your hand holding as a first-time buyer, I can help, or if you are a seasoned investor and just need a sense check, I can help.

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