26 Lowther Street, Carlisle, CA3 8DA

We’re expanding into South Cumbria and North Lancashire!

We’re expanding into South Cumbria and North Lancashire!

Bringing Bespoke Financial Services to South Cumbria and North Lancashire

We wanted to bring bespoke financial advice combined with our excellent client care to more people in more places! So… we did! We can now help people in North Lancashire and South Cumbria.

We’ve taken on a new adviser in the Ribble Valley area. Laura Shufflebotham joins SSA as an holistic adviser offering clients advice on pensions and investments, mortgages and insurances. Laura has worked in financial services for 20 years and brings with her a wealth of experience from all sides of the industry.

Laura says: “I am delighted to be joining the Stan Sherlock Associates family to help expand their business and provide more people with the value of tailored financial planning. I’ve worked in financial services since I was 16 and feel very passionate about making sure people have good solid plans in place to see them through to retirement. Stan Sherlock Associates is a well established and trusted family firm and I’m excited to be bringing it to Blackburn, North Lancashire and South Cumbria.”

Our firm was set up by Stan Sherlock in 1989 and a move to the North Lancashire area is the perfect fit as many of the Sherlock family still live in and around Stan’s old stomping ground, Lancashire.

Practice Principal and financial adviser Bobby Sherlock says: “Our family is very fond of the North Lancashire area. My dad’s family still live in and around the area and it was a huge part of our lives growing up. My dad even played for the Preston Grasshoppers in the late 70s.To have Laura carry the Stan Sherlock Associates flag for us in the area makes me feel very proud. Laura’s values and work ethic are akin to our own, and her passion and care for her clients aligns perfectly with the services we offer as a firm. To be able to offer our services to more clients in an area we feel strongly tied to is a privilege, and one I whole heartedly trust Laura with.”

Laura has 2 young children and since becoming a mother feels passionate about ensuring families are protected should the worst happen. In her spare time she enjoys a glass of wine and long walks.

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Further growth for SSA!

Arran Pamphilon

Further growth for SSA!

Introducing Arran Pamphilon

We’re growing our team of advisers, despite the economic downturn, to give you more access to great advice.

Stan Sherlock Associates has taken on Arran Pamphilon to widen our team of financial advisers enabling us to help even more clients. Arran has spent years developing his business acumen with companies such as Lidl, Dyson and Rolls Royce. With this experience under his belt, he has now chosen to turn his attention to personal finance and helping our clients achieve their financial goals.

Arran said: ‘I’m excited to join the Stan Sherlock Associates team and be a part of the business’s continued success in and around Cumbria. The decision to join was made easy by the scale of the opportunity that Emma, Bobby & their support team provides the practice’s advisers. I was also attracted by the dynamic nature of the business & the fact it is clear to see the focus being on looking after their team, secondary only to delivering brilliant outcomes for clients. I can only see this as being of benefit to my own development during the next phase of my career & I know they will support my longer-term ambitions also.’

Arran joins our local family firm as an holistic financial adviser, with the ability to help clients with all their financial needs. Arran can advise on pensions and investments, mortgages and insurances.

Practice Principal Bobby Sherlock said, “we are thrilled to have Arran on the SSA team. It was obvious from the outset that he would be a fantastic asset. He has a strong head for numbers and a great understanding of business. His drive for success combined with his passion and care for the client makes him the perfect addition. We’re excited to have him, and his clients are lucky to have him looking after their money.”

Outside of work, Arran enjoys chasing balls around… so can usually be found either training at Penrith Rugby Club, swinging a club at Penrith golf course or on the cricket ground at Stainton CC.

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SSA – Top Mortgage Employers 2022 Award

SSA – Top Mortgage Employers 2022 Award

One of The UK’s Top Mortgage Employers of 2022

We are thrilled, delighted and over the moon, to be honest, there are too many ways to express our excitement right now! The reason for our excitement? We’ve been named as one of the UK’s top mortgage employers for 2022 by Mortgage Introducer. The Top Mortgage Employers 2022 Award is a coveted prize for any organisation in our industry, and we’re absolutely delighted as a team to be picking up the award.


What is the Top Mortgage Employers 2022 Award?

As you might expect from the title, those who are privileged enough to obtain the Top Mortgage Employers 2022 Award are at the top of their game and leading the industry.

More specifically, to be considered for the Top Mortgage Employers 2022 Award, companies need an 80% satisfaction rating or more from anonymous employee surveys, which we are extremely proud to have achieved!


A family effort

At Stan Sherlock Associates, we’re a family-run business and proud of it.

We’re also proud of the work we do within our local community of Carlisle, as well as in Cumbria and beyond, and it’s the support of our valued, local customers who made winning the Top Mortgage Employers 2022 Award possible, and we appreciate you all.

Thank you to all our team

As well as thanking our customers, we’d like to take this chance to thank everybody who works here at Stan Sherlock Associates for all their hard work.

We couldn’t do what we do without you, and we certainly wouldn’t be able to take home prizes like the Top Mortgage Employers 2022 Award if it wasn’t for the dedication, quality, and superb service our team is able to consistently provide to our customers.

While awards are nice, particularly this one, we’re all about people at Stan Sherlock Associates, and we’re absolutely ecstatic that this dedication to our team has been recognised by such a prestigious body.

So, thank you to everybody who voted for us for the Top Mortgage Employers 2022 Award, and here’s to an even stronger 2023!

For more information about the Top Mortgage Employers 2022 award, visit the Mortgage Introducer website.

Top Mortgage Employers 2022 | Mortgage Introducer

The Top Mortgage Employers have provided better benefits and working conditions to help employees cope with a higher cost of living.

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Pension FAQs

Pension FAQs

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As we’re sure you’re aware, there’s currently a cost-of-living crisis taking place across Carlisle, Cumbria, and in fact, the entire United Kingdom.As a result, people from Carlisle to Dover are trying to make the most of the money they have now, rather than thinking about savings, investments, and pensions of the future.

And while this is understandable as a knee-jerk reaction to economic uncertainty, disregarding your future is one of the worst financial moves you can make, especially when it comes to planning for your pension.

So, in today’s article, we’ll discuss why pensions are so important, and offer some answers to pension questions we get asked all the time.

Let’s jump in with one of the most popular pension-based questions.


How often should I keep track of my pensions?

It’s easy to forget about your pensions, especially if you’ve moved jobs over the years and have lots of different pots you’ve paid into. That’s why it’s understandable if you don’t check on your pensions as much as you’d like, but as a rule of thumb, you want to be checking them at least once a year.

Of course, it’s better to check on them more than this, but doing so once a year will give you an idea of what they’re worth and how they’re performing. Most importantly, it’ll give you a strong indication of whether or not you’re likely to meet your long-term financial goals.

What happens to my pension money and benefits when I leave my employer?

In short, you keep your pension if you leave your employer and get a new job. Just because you’ve left the job, it doesn’t mean you lose the benefits of your pension, even if you lose track of where that pension is.

What if I lose track of my pensions?

First of all… Don’t worry! We can help you track pensions from all your previous jobs, so you don’t lose out on the money you’ve put into your pension investments.

We do this through the pension tracing service we provide to clients from Carlisle, Cumbria, and anywhere in the UK, so you can keep track of your pensions and make sure they’re performing for you.

Get in touch to discuss how we can help track your pensions.

How much do I need to retire?

As is the case with most questions about your personal finances, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for this one. Everybody is different and it depends on your circumstances, but as of today, the state pension at the age of 66 is £185.15 per week.

This is barely enough to get by in the current economic climate, and is certainly not enough for you to live comfortably and spend money on things you enjoy. We’re not talking about yacht parties and trips to Monaco; we’re talking about having a social life of some kind, seeing friends and family, visiting new places, and dining out.

That’s why it’s important to have a strong private pension to add to your state-funded pension, and why it’s important to choose a financial adviser to help you grow your pension funds properly for when the time comes.

At Stan Sherlock Associates, we serve the Carlisle and Cumbria areas but offer advice across Central Scotland, The North East of England, and further afield. We offer bespoke advice regarding your pension, so get in touch to find out how we can help.

Can I take my pension fund all at once?

If you hit your pension scheme’s retirement age, then you can take your entire pension in one go. However, just because you can, doesn’t make it a good idea.
This is because 25% of what you take will be tax-free, but you’ll more than likely have to pay income tax on the remaining 75%. This is an astonishing figure and could put a huge dent into what you’ve earned over the years.

There are all kinds of pitfalls when it comes to withdrawing your pension, so get in touch with Stan Sherlock Associates to avoid them and make sure you get the most out of your pension pots.

What are the advantages of combining my pensions?

Combining or consolidating your pensions is a brilliant method of unlocking growth in your investments, and can mean:

  • Less work – One pension pot is better than lots, and a single location for your pension investments makes it much easier to keep track of and manage.
  • Save money – Since you’re not paying lots of different providers’ management fees, you could save money by combining your pension pots.
  • Better investment opportunities – Consolidated pensions often have better investment opportunities than older schemes. This means you can gain more income and benefits from them as opposed to outdated plans.

To find out about the many benefits of combining your pensions, whether you’re in Carlisle, Cumbria, or anywhere else in the UK, get in touch with our pension planning experts today.

What’s the difference between defined benefits & defined contribution pensions?

Simply put, defined benefit schemes are the traditional kind of pension. You know what your scheme will pay you when you retire, and it’s generally based on how long you’ve worked there and the salary you received.

Defined contributions are becoming more popular, mainly because they cost your employer less. The value at retirement depends on how much you pay in, and how well that grows over the years.

As these types of pensions are based on performance, you need to make sure you have a strong strategy in place for your pension investments. Which is why it’s a good idea to take advice from an expert.

Can I collect my pension and still work?

The short answer to this one is yes! You can access private pensions from the age of 55 onwards, and still work alongside them if you like. This also applies to the state pension once you’re eligible to collect it.

Get in touch with Stan Sherlock Associates
Based in Carlisle, Cumbria, our experts have years of experience working with clients across Cumbria and beyond, helping with pension planning and financial advice.

Our expert team provides support and guidance in all aspects of pensions, which include:

  • Setting up your pensions
  • Finding your lost pensions
  • Pension consolidation
  • Pensions freedoms advice
  • IHT planning
  • Passing on your wealth

Get in touch to find out how we can help you prepare your retirement with the perfect pension strategy.

The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.

HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen.

Approved by the Openwork Partnership on 26/9/2023

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Meet Megan Cook


Meet Megan Cook


Megan Cook

What do you do at Stan Sherlock Associates?

I’m PA to the Director, so I work closely with Bobby and his clients, ensuring he is where he needs to be, when he needs to be there, and all his client documentation is processed correctly and efficiently. This means helping Bobby process his mortgage and wealth cases, liaising with lenders and solicitors to ensure a speedy service for our clients.

What do you enjoy most about your role and being a member of the business support team?

I enjoy being able to support the clients through their financial journey, making the process as smooth and stress-free as possible for them. It is incredibly rewarding to fulfil the clients’ goals and see the benefits of financial planning. Being part of the business support team is an integral cog in this process and it’s great to support Bobby to ensure the needs of every client are met.

What has surprised you the most about working in Financial Services?

How quickly circumstances can change, for our clients as well as for the lenders/providers we use. It has really highlighted the importance of securing high-quality, thorough advice, especially in these uncertain times. Also, the complexity and individuality of every single case has been a surprise – each case requires a unique and different approach to secure a successful outcome for our clients.

Describe yourself in 3 words?

I am organised, kind-hearted and dependable.

Would your family use the same three words?

My mam and sister said I am hard-working, diligent and a perfectionist and my niece said I was loving, caring and awesome, so I’ll take that!

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

As it says items rather than people, I would definitely need some sort of sports equipment, like a football or something to keep me entertained, as well as music to sing and dance along to.

If you could choose any superpower, what would you choose and why?

I would love to be able to fly and get from place to place very quickly. The views would be amazing, and it would save me a fortune in fuel too!

How can you help me?

I will help you in any way I can. At SSA, we value our clients, and we work incredibly hard to ensure that their experience with us is positive. Therefore, I will do my best to make sure your case is processed accurately and efficiently, taking the worry and stress away.

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Lifetime Mortgages and Equity Release

Lifetime Mortgages and Equity Release

Are you considering a lifetime mortgage but you’re not sure of the details?

Our Expert Advisers Robert Sherlock and Anne Preston answer your top questions on equity release and lifetime mortgages:

The lifetime mortgage market is experiencing rapid growth as more people look to boost their retirement income and improve their standard of living. According to the Equity Release Council a total of 3.92 billion pounds of housing equity was withdrawn by older homeowners in 2019.

What is a lifetime mortgage?

A lifetime mortgage also known as equity release is when you access the equity or ‘cash’ in your home as a tax-free lump sum or as a regular income to enhance your pension.

It’s a mortgage that is only required to be repaid on death, going into long term care, or moving property.

Who can have a lifetime mortgage?

Lifetime mortgages are available to homeowners aged 55 and above. There may also be a minimum property value requirement.

What can a lifetime mortgage be used for?

The cash taken from equity release, or a lifetime mortgage, can be used for any of the following:

  • repaying the original mortgage
  • repaying debt
  • an emergency fund
  • home improvements
  • gifting deposits to family or friends
  • a holiday

The money can not be used for investment purposes.

Do I still own the house?

Yes, you do still own your house. The mortgage company only requires the loan to be redeemed on death, long-term care or moving home. There are also ways to protect inheritance for family and friends.

Are there any pitfalls?

Expert personalised advice is vital when considering equity release and lifetime mortgages. Borrowing against the equity in your home can release much needed funds to improve your quality of life in retirement or even help out family members but the potential pitfalls must also be understood. At Stan Sherlock Associates we take a holistic view of your retirement finances before recommending a lifetime mortgage product to you.

Lifetime mortgages aren’t right for everyone. But we can offer a thorough understanding of the benefits, drawbacks and costs and, if suitable, find the right deal for your individual circumstances.

What should I look for in an adviser?

All professional advisers dealing with equity release or lifetime mortgages must have a specialist qualification. At Stan Sherlock Associates Director and Practice Principal, Bobby Sherlock, and Mortgage and Protection Adviser, Anne Preston, are licensed to advise in this area.

Stan Sherlock Associates is a financial planning firm based in Carlisle and invests regularly in updating the skills and qualifications of its team to ensure clients receive the highest levels of advice.

Stan Sherlock Associates | For lifelong financial success

Please contact one of the team on 01228 598821 or email us on info@stansherlock.com to discuss your individual requirements.

A lifetime mortgage is not suitable for everyone and may affect your entitlement to means tested benefits, so it is important to seek financial advice before taking any action. If you are considering releasing equity from your home, you should consider all options available before equity release.

The interest that may be accrued over the long term with a Lifetime Mortgage, may mean it is not the cheapest solution. As interest is charged on both the original loan and the interest that has been added, the amount you owe will increase over time, reducing the equity left in your home and the value of any inheritance, potentially to nothing.

Although the final decision is yours, you are encouraged to discuss your plans with your family and beneficiaries, as a Lifetime Mortgage could have an impact on any potential inheritance. We would also encourage you to invite them to join any meetings with your Financial Adviser so they can ask questions and join in the decision, as we believe it is better to discuss your decision with them before you go ahead.

Approved by the Openwork Partnership on 27/09/2023

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Meet Matt Duncan

Meet Matt Duncan

Name: Matt Duncan

What do you do at Stan Sherlock Associates?

I am the supervisor for the Yorkshire Building Society Agency operating on the ground floor at the SSA. I also manage and run the front desk of SSA so if you’re calling or popping into our office my face will be one of the first you see.

What do you enjoy most about being a member of the business support team?

I enjoy the versatility and diversity of tasks I complete in my day. I love to be busy so like that there is a constant stream of incoming work to be done. We have a great team throughout the building and my amazing colleagues make the day that bit brighter!

What has surprised you the most about working in Financial Services?

I was most surprised by how multifaceted financial services is. I have worked in many different sectors and most businesses are the same when you get down to the bare bones of it. I was surprised however at how many different elements and components of a client’s life are taken into consideration when dealing with their finances. I had always assumed that because we handle sensitive data there would be of care and diligence but I had no idea the scale and depth of care.

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Funny, confident and articulate

Would your family use the same three words?

I was unfortunate enough to be sat with my parents when I was writing this so I bravely asked them the question. They gave me more than three words, so, I selected the most flattering from the plethora provided. They said funny, capable and confident. There were more which weren’t as flattering but I was selective.

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

For a gay man I am surprisingly low maintenance (contrary to popular belief)! I would want probably a guitar or something to play music on. I listen to music all of the time and I honestly couldn’t live without it.

If you could choose any superpower, what would you choose and why?

I would have said the power to stop time. However, I have this fear that if I stopped time everyone else would stop ageing and I would age at a normal rate. I decided a long time ago that stopping time as a superpower had too many variables! So instead, I choose teleportation. I could finish work and teleport to New York for dinner, then go for a walk on the beach in Cyprus then teleport home to bed.

How can you help me?

In any way I can. It’s both simple and cliché but it’s the truth. I will be there to answer calls or greet you as you arrive. I can help with anything related to the Yorkshire Building Society and if you arrive or call for one of our amazing advisers, I will do my best to get you someone who can assist you with whatever your needs are.

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Roxy Sherlock aka The Floof, aka Roxstar, aka Roxalina, aka Mush

Roxy Sherlock aka The Floof, aka Roxstar, aka Roxalina, aka Mush

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Roxy Sherlock aka The Floof, aka Roxstar, aka Roxalina, aka Mush

What do you do at Stan Sherlock Associates?

I am the Chief Happiness Officer which means I spread joy, positivity and light daily as I sashay around our office. My role within the business is not to be taken lightly, it’s hard being such an integral part of the business, but I get my work ethic from my parents.

What do you enjoy most about being a member of the business support team?

The attention! I am like a delicate flower that needs sunshine to grow, the love and attention I receive here at SSA is my sunshine, food and water. I am a Princess of the People, so I like to be where the action is, it helps me stay grounded. I am constantly socialising with clients and colleagues to ensure that morale is high, and smiles are up 100% for the previous quarter. I enjoy knowing that I can make a difference to someone’s day by just gracing them with my presence and all I require in response is the occasional belly rub, treat or both if you’re feeling generous.

What has surprised you the most about working in Financial Services?

Nothing if you are prepared, then nothing will surprise you. I stay ready so that I do not need to get ready. The only things that catch me off guard are loud noises and cats lurking behind corners!

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Fun, Flirty and Fluffy!

Would your family use the same three words?

I imagine they would struggle to come up with a mere three words to describe such a multifaceted individual as myself.

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

I would have to say a good doggy shampoo and conditioner, these curls take work, I am not high maintenance if I’m maintained on a regular basis.

If you could choose any superpower, what would you choose and why?

If I could have any superpower, it would be the ability to eat and not gain weight. Whilst I know I need to watch my figure sometimes I just want to indulgence.

How can you help me?

I can help by injecting a little bit of Roxy into your day. My personality is as light and bouncy as my beautiful brunette curls, and if you’re fortunate enough to be greeted by me, I’m sure I’ll be able to brighten up your day.

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Buying a New-build? Let us help you!

Buying a New-build? Let us help you!

You’ve seen your dream home, you’re buying it off plan and you get to choose all your own finishes. But first you need to finance it! For most people that means getting a mortgage. We’re here to make that process stress free and ensure you get the finances you need to the right people at the right time.

We’re here to look after you.

How we help you:

When you use us to help you find a mortgage, we aim to get the right deal for you; because we are experts in the newbuild mortgage market and understand each lender’s strict lending criteria. You and your family are at the heart of all our research – we build a bespoke finance package to make it work for you. You benefit from our access to exclusive new build deals that you won’t find on the high street.

Making it as easy as possible:

We want you to enjoy the process of buying your new home so we do the leg work. You give us the documentation and we package it up correctly for the lender and provide you with real time updates throughout the buying process. You can access our systems and your data via our secure mortgage portal – logging in whenever you choose. You don’t need to worry about liaising with professionals. We will deal with the developer and the solicitor on your behalf, ensuring they are kept up to date throughout the buying process.

Beyond the purchase:

You have the option to have your mortgage reviewed after your fixed rate period. This ensures you stay on the right rate for your circumstances. You will have access to your adviser and our business support team after your mortgage has completed to ensure your financial plans always remain up to date. You don’t need to worry about dates and deadlines we will get in touch with you when your mortgage deal needs to be reviewed. We don’t just look at your mortgage in isolation – we consider the wider plan; children, inheritance and retirement.


Approved by the Openwork Partnership on 16/10/2023

PHOTO CREDIT: The Paddock, Northern Developments, Carlisle:

Home – The Paddock

Let luxury welcome you home with an exclusive collection of highly desirable two, three and four-bedroom homes and apartments in Carlisle.

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Can your pension sustain your retirement?

Can your pension sustain your retirement?

Our Financial Adviser Robert Sherlock answers your top questions

With many people falling short of having enough saved for retirement, it’s worth thinking about how long your pension can sustain your lifestyle. With recent news about rising inflation increasing the cost of living, along with people living longer, it’s more important now than ever to take control of your financial independence.

How much do I need in my pension pot?

Start with what you’d like to be taking out of your pension pot rather than what you need to pay in!

It’s important to understand what your requirements are, what your regular income expectations may be and or what lump sums you might want to take from your pension. When working this out, useful questions to consider include… what amount of income will make you feel comfortable when you retire? What are your plans when you retire, in terms of family commitments, part time work, hobbies or holidays? Some people will want to draw lump sums out and go on world cruises. Others will be happy with just enough income to pay the bills.

We aim to understand you, your family and your aspirations. By building a good solid and trusting relationship with you we are then able to calculate how much money you need in your pension pot, and what the monthly payments and contributions should be to achieve your retirement lifestyle and goals. We can help you model what retirement will look like and how sustainable your goals are.

How does pension drawdown work?

Flexi-access drawdown allows you to have the benefit of complete flexibility when it comes to taking money from your pension, while allowing the pot to remain invested, and potentially benefiting from further growth.

This type of drawdown allows you to choose how much and when you take income from your pension pot, provided you are 55 years old. You can increase or decrease the amount of income you take to suit your plans and situation.

Pension drawdown can have various uses for retirement planning, such as topping up income to support part retirement, taking larger lump sums for specific goals or life events, or even not touching the pot for a few years.

This flexibility makes drawdown an effective option for a lot of people.

Where should I start?

Start by creating a plan! The earlier you start to plan how you want your retirement to look the more likely you are to be able to achieve your goals. However, for all of the benefits of planning early, it’s also never too late!

Doing nothing and keeping your fingers crossed in the hope that you will have enough is not a sensible approach. Knowing what is achievable with what you have in your pension pot puts you in an informed position. This allows a more sustainable and practical approach for how you spend the money available. It can also reduce your concerns about running out of money.

My initial tip on getting started, would be to research and keep track of any pensions you have at the moment and consider consolidating them. This is great step in the right direction of making your retirement as financially worry-free as possible.

Our financial advisers can help you review your pensions and investments and advise on how to make the most of your savings.

Please contact one of the team on 01228 598821 or email us on info@stansherlock.com to discuss your individual requirements and start planning now.

The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.

Approved by the Openwork Partnership on 25/09/2023

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