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The world is changing – so should your insurance!

The world is changing rapidly in a way that nobody could ever have expected, meaning your personal and financial circumstances are likely to have changed. It is important to regularly review all aspects of your finances and that includes reviewing your protection insurance, to make sure your policy provides adequate cover for your changing needs. […]

Now is not the time to neglect your pension – keep your planning on track!

Retirement planning

The Coronavirus outbreak is having a widespread impact across all aspects of our financial life, with many people finding their income reduced. At times like this it can be challenging to stay focused. No matter what age you are, now is not the time to neglect your pension. Try your very best to keep your […]

Is your Life Insurance in Trust?

Family walking along the beach

A life insurance policy in trust is a legal arrangement that keeps a life insurance pay out separate from the valuation of your estate (property, money and possessions) after you die. Here we take a look at some main points to consider when deciding whether to write your life insurance in trust. The logistics A […]

Been meaning to do it for ages? It’s time to look at Estate Planning:

Mortgage Calculator

Estate planning encompasses not only preparing your finances to ensure your assets are protected for your loved ones once you are gone, but it’s also about ensuring you have enough money to live on.   It starts with obtaining a comprehensive view of your assets. Assessing the value of your estate and ensuring the right documentation […]

Investing for Children – The Junior ISA

Family walking along the beach

There was welcome news for young savers in the March Budget with the government announcing the Junior ISA (JISA) allowance was to be more than doubled, from £4,368 to £9,000 from 6 April 2020. JISA and CTFs both benefit  JISAs replaced Child Trust Funds (CTF) in 2011, but those who stillhold CTF will continue to […]

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

Calculator and laptop

So… What is cashflow modelling? Financial planning is all about preparing for those things that may not be so certain (and taxes). Plans should be reviewed regularly so they adapt to changes in your circumstances and reflect developments in the wider economy and financial markets. Cashflow modelling, sometimes known as cashflow forecasting takes a view […]

The Bank of… Granny and Grandad?

Counting money from a piggy bank

For many younger people struggling to get a foot on the property ladder, the Bank of Mum and Dad is the only option. With rent taking a huge chunk out of their income and the requirement for increasingly onerous deposits, two in five renters do not believe they will ever be in a position to […]

It’s Good to Talk

Calculator and laptop

While, for many, discussions about money can be extremely uncomfortable, experts have long stressed the best approach to financial issues is invariably to talk about them. Indeed, perceived wisdom suggests the more open and honest people are about money, the better their life and relationships tend to be. Finance: the last taboo There’s a wide […]

Pension Planning for the Self-Employed

Life Insurance

There are 4.8 million self-employed people in the UK and only a third have any kind of pension arrangement. A shocking statistic when you consider that State support is shrinking and we’re all living longer. Saving for a pension when you’re self-employed is not as straightforward as it is for an employed person, who might […]

Coming to terms with market turbulence

Calculator and laptop

 Coming to terms with market turbulence  As a direct consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak, global stock markets are suffering a period of turbulence. When markets move significantly it can prove very challenging to hear through the noise and focus on the bigger picture. Lessons from history Over recent years many investors have become used to […]

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