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Pension Planning for the Self-Employed

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Pension Planning for the Self-Employed

There are 4.8 million self-employed people in the UK and only a third have any kind of pension arrangement. A shocking statistic when you consider that State support is shrinking and we’re all living longer. Saving for a pension when you’re self-employed is not as straightforward as it is for an employed person, who might automatically benefit from a workplace scheme and employer contributions. We’ve outlined some key points for you to consider:

Don’t rely on the State Pension

Whether you’re employed or self-employed you’re entitled to the full basic State Pension (currently £168.60 a week) if you’ve paid in 30 years of National Insurance Contributions. If you’re self-employed you can only claim the additional State Pension if you’ve had periods of employment. On its own State support is unlikely to enable you to continue your current standard of living into retirement. That’s why it’s imperative for the self-employed to find other ways to provide the additional income needed in retirement.

Start saving early

It’s stating the obvious, but the sooner you start saving into a pension the bigger your potential retirement fund. You’ll also have more time to benefit from the tax relief that’s available.

To highlight the importance of saving early, a 25-year-old male looking to retire at 68 would need to contribute £236.25 per month in order to achieve a retirement income of £17,500 a year. If the same man had waited until he was 45 before he started saving, he would need to contribute £495.83 to achieve the same level of income, an additional £259.58 per month.

Minimise the amount of tax you pay

One of the main benefits of paying into a pension is the tax relief the savings attract. For example, if you’re a basic rate taxpayer and pay £80 into your pension you effectively end up with £100 to invest. The maximum amount you can save each year that attracts tax relief (otherwise known as the annual allowance) is £40,000. Importantly, if your income is low and you’re not able to save the full £40,000 in one tax year, you can carry forward any unused allowance, and use it towards contributions in the next tax year.

Please note:

•You must have been a member of a registered pension scheme during the years you want to carry forward

•Your tax relief is limited by your annual earnings in the year you want to carry forward

•You can only carry forward unused allowance from the three previous tax years

What type of pension is right?

The self-employed can choose from a range of different pension products, including stakeholder pensions, personal pensions and Self Invested

Personal Pensions (SIPPs). Each has its advantages and disadvantages – we can advise on which is best for you.

HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes, which cannot be foreseen.

The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested. 

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Coronavirus & Mortgages Q&A’s

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Coronavirus & Mortgages Q&A’s

 Some common questions you may have regarding your current mortgage position:

I have exchanged on a new property, but not moved in. What should I do?

The Government has stated that they do not want you to move during the lockdown, unless it is in exceptional circumstances. If you can therefore delay your move then you should. Mortgage lenders are now extending the expiry date on offers by three months to hopefully allow more time, while many solicitors are adding new clauses into contracts in case purchases don’t progress.

I have completed on a new property, but not moved in. What should I do?

As with exchanges, the Government is requesting that moves don’t occur unless there is no option. If you do have to move, then take extra precautions to adhere to the social distancing rules.

Can I qualify for a repayment holiday?

All lenders are required by the Government to offer borrowers the opportunity to take a three-month payment holiday. This is true for all homeowners, Buy to Let mortgages and for clients who have used the Government’s Help to Buy scheme. The repayment holiday is available to borrowers who are up-to-date on their mortgage payments and not already in arrears.

Should I take a repayment holiday?

We believe that over 1 million borrowers have already requested a holiday and if you are in a position where you will struggle to meet your monthly mortgage payments, then it is a sensible thing to do. You won’t need to go through a means test or demonstrate your income drop. There also isn’t a fee to pay. However, I would stress that this is not free money and that you will need to make up the missed payments in due course. Instead at the end of the three month holiday, you will need to agree higher repayments moving forward with your lender or extend the term of your mortgage. As such, taking a holiday will cost you more in the longer-term. My recommendation would therefore be to not take a holiday unless you really need to.

Also, if you are coming up to the end of term on your existing mortgage deal, then be aware that taking a repayment holiday could impact on whether or not you can qualify for a re-mortgage or a new deal with your existing lender. Please therefore talk to me first before applying.

It’s important that you don’t cancel your direct debit to the lender. Simply cancelling the direct debit may cause issues later down the line when you come to the end of your payment holiday and could cause you to miss a mortgage payment in the future. A missed mortgage payment will show on your credit file.

I can’t get through to my Lender. What should I do?

All of the lenders have been swamped with calls from borrowers about repayment holidays at a time when they were also trying to move significant numbers of staff to remote working. Many have consequently struggled to cope, leading to long waiting times. I would therefore encourage you to wait a few days for things to quieten down and try again or alternatively look on the lenders website. Most have detailed information on their response to COVID-19 and how to request a repayment holiday.

I am coming to the end of my current mortgage deal. Should I re-mortgage?

A significant number of products, particularly trackers and those at higher loan to value’s, have been withdrawn by the lenders in recent days. However, over 10,000 products are still available and rates remain at historically very competitive levels. Funding may become more constrained in future, so if you are within six months from the end of your current deal, please get in touch and we’ll talk you through the options available.

My income has dropped. How will this impact on my ability to get a mortgage?

All lenders look at your current income and any expected or known changes when they assess whether you can afford a mortgage. With access to a comprehensive range of lenders from across the market, we can help you find a mortgage that’s right for you and that is affordable based on your income and expenditure.

I am looking to buy a property. Should I continue?

The number of property transactions are dropping fast and we expect the market to be in a state of suspended animation for at least the next two to three months. As such, even if you wanted to make a purchase you would find it difficult, unless it was a property you already knew and therefore didn’t need a survey and were buying with cash only. There are plenty of commentators predicting a big fall in house prices, but in reality this is guesswork and it will be many months before it is clear whether or not prices have been impacted. Most property purchases are made for a reason – perhaps clients need more or less space, or they are changing work location – so on that basis alone I expect the market to gradually re-start once the immediate lock-down eases.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

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Coming to terms with market turbulence

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Coming to terms with market turbulence

 Coming to terms with market turbulence 

As a direct consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak, global stock markets are suffering a period of turbulence. When markets move significantly it can prove very challenging to hear through the noise and focus on the bigger picture.

Lessons from history

Over recent years many investors have become used to a variety of political, financial and economic factors impacting markets, from the Brexit Referendum and subsequent prolonged uncertainty, to the global financial crisis and even further back to the dotcom bust in the early noughties. Although markets do not respond well to periods of uncertainty, fluctuations go hand in hand with stock market investment; and while market movements can be concerning, experience has taught us to expect the unexpected.

It is important to remember that some market turbulence is inevitable; markets will always move up and down. As an investor, putting any short-term fluctuations into historical context is useful. Investors with diversified portfolios, who stay in the market, have typically been rewarded over time.

Plan and focus, be strategic

Instead of being too worried by turbulence, the best strategy is to be prepared. It is best to stick to your well-defined plan and diversify your holdings, as well as expecting and accepting market movements. Your plan will be tailored to your objectives, in line with your attitude to risk and will take into account your financial situation, which will stand you in good stead to weather short-term market fluctuations.

In it for the long haul

Even though it can be difficult to ignore daily market movements, it is vital to focus on the long term, and remember that turbulence also presents investment opportunities. Investment requires a disciplined approach and a degree of holding your nerve if markets descend. Investment professionals know that markets can fluctuate and will inevitably go down as well as up from time to time. The worst investment strategy you can adopt is to jump in and out of the stock market, panic when prices fall and sell investments at the bottom of the market.

Keep calm and carry on

On the day of the Budget, the outgoing Chairman of the Bank of England, Mark Carney and the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, were keen to highlight the temporary nature of the downturn, that is worth bearing in mind. Both the BoE and the Chancellor have taken steps to support the UK economy, which should also help to calm the markets. The BoE has cut interest rates on two occasions and expanded its bond buying programme, known as quantitative easing. Meanwhile, Mr Sunak announced a package of emergency measures for UK businesses worth £350 billion.

As Rudyard Kipling wrote, it is important to “keep your head when all about you are losing theirs” – a clear head will certainly stand you in good stead through these challenging times.

Market turbulence is a timely reminder to keep your investments under regular review – that is what we do best. Please rest assured we are working hard to manage the fluctuations, so your money has the best chance of growing for the future.

The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. The past is not a guide to future performance and past performance may not necessarily be repeated.

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Self-employed? Prioritise your pension

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Self-employed? Prioritise your pension

​Self-employed? Prioritise your pension. Since the introduction of automatic enrolment, over 10 million eligible employees have been signed up to a workplace pension scheme. But for self-employed people, no such scheme exists, meaning that many of those who work for themselves are struggling to prioritise their pension. 

While there are many benefits to being your own boss, including the flexibility to work your preferred hours, better work-life balance and tax-deductible expenses, pension provision is unfortunately not among them. The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) estimates that a single person could need around £33,000 per year to maintain a comfortable standard of living in retirement, so it’s advisable to start saving as soon as you can.

Concerns about later life

While 74% of the UK’s self-employed workforce believe it’s important to save for retirement, according to recent data, just 24% are actively contributing to a pension. Reasons for not contributing include; a low or variable income often associated with self-employed work, exclusion from auto enrolment and a perceived lack of flexibility compared to more liquid investments.

Don’t rely solely on the State Pension

The full State Pension is currently £168.60 per week, or just over £8,750 per year – not an amount that many could live on while maintaining the living standards they’re used to. The amount you receive also depends on your National Insurance contributions – you need to have 30 qualifying years to receive the full amount.

You can check your National Insurance contributions record at www.gov.uk/check-national-insurance-record

Sooner rather than later

The sooner you start saving into a pension, the longer your money has to grow, to benefit from added tax relief and the compounding effect of investment returns. Delaying, even by a few years, means you need to contribute a higher percentage of your income to achieve a comfortable retirement. Analysis shows that the cost of delaying pension contributions by 10 years, from age 25 to age 35, could result in your required pension contribution almost doubling.

Tax advantages

Paying into a pension gives you access to valuable tax breaks; you’ll currently get tax relief on contributions into a pension up to the value of £40,000 per tax year. If you’re a basic-rate taxpayer, you’ll get an extra £25 for every £100 you pay in and if you’re a higher-rate taxpayer, you can claim additional relief through your tax return.

What type of pension is best?

Flexibility and control over contributions is likely to be a priority for self-employed people. You may prefer to pay a smaller regular amount rather than a daunting lump sum. And don’t forget, if you have an existing pension, it may be possible to reactivate this.

We have expert knowledge of the range of pension options available for self-employed people, whether that is personal pensions, stakeholder pensions or self-invested personal pensions (SIPPs).

Talk to us

If you’re self-employed and need advice about your pension planning, please get in touch to discuss your options. We’re here to help.

The value of your pension investments can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invested

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‘Mortgage prisoners’ may be able to remortgage

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‘Mortgage prisoners’ may be able to remortgage

 ‘Mortgage prisoners’ may be able to remortgage

You may have heard the term ‘mortgage prisoners’ but not know exactly what it is. Mortgage prisoners are those who are trapped in their current mortgage deal and are unable to remortgage or move.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has estimated around 150,000 borrowers are stuck as ‘mortgage prisoners’. Some of the main reasons are —

—A change in circumstances, such as credit issues or a lower income since they bought their home.
—Not meeting the affordability rules which changed in the 2014 Mortgage Market Review
—Negative equity – which could be due to the 2007/08 financial crisis

Being stuck on your current mortgage deal can be a costly frustration. Those that come to the end of their existing deal may be moved onto a lender’s Standard Variable Rate which can be expensive, with average rates higher than many available deals. In some cases, this could be more than double the rate of interest.

There may be hope on the horizon…

After a campaign by a group of ‘mortgage prisoners’, who originally mobilised via social media, the FCA has proposed plans to help people move to a cheaper deal.

Customers who are both up-to-date with payments and looking to remortgage without additional borrowing will be given a more appropriate affordability assessment to assert whether they can afford the new loan. This will make it easier to find the right mortgage for their needs. The FCA is also asking lenders to work with more innovative tools to help customers better identify what mortgages they may qualify for.

How did Karen and Richard become mortgage prisoners?

“Unfortunately, my work circumstances changed last year, meaning Karen and I can’t pass the affordability check. If we were able to switch we could save a lot of money by having a lower interest rate.”


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Accidental damage protects against life’s little mishaps

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Accidental damage protects against life’s little mishaps

Accidental damage protects against life’s little mishaps

Nobody knows what is around the corner. Accidents can and do happen and the most commonly reported household claim in 2018 was for Accidental Damage. It’s therefore wise to check what is included in your insurance policy to help protect the valuable items in your home.

Standard contents insurance usually protects you if you have possessions stolen, destroyed or damaged. Accidental damage on the other hand, isn’t typically included in contents insurance but may be an optional add-on to your standard policy. It covers you for unforeseen events that cause damage to your belongings.

We have all heard of stories of red wine being spilt on new cream carpet, and kids breaking TV screens with a games console controller gone awry. There are also those more ‘comical stories’ of toddlers painting the sofa with nappy rash cream, puppies rather enthusiastically playing with TV cables or mugs of tea being dropped in the bathroom and smashing the toilet. Insurance doesn’t have to be for significant claims; it’s also to protect against these types of life’s little mishaps.

It’s probably worth taking a few minutes to consider your day-to-day needs and it’s definitely worth checking what your insurance policy covers as you may already have accidental damage in place. And if you don’t, you might want to consider arranging accidental damage to ensure your valued belongings remain protected

Five expensive and weird pet-related insurance claims

Tortoises torching homes 
Clare was relaxing at home when she smelt smoke. She saw flames coming from another room and realised that her two tortoises had knocked over their heat lamp and started a blaze. Luckily her pets were unharmed, and she had home and contents insurance to cover the damage.

Destructive dog
Lee was watching his daughter’s puppy when the neighbour’s cat strolled through the garden. The dog charged straight towards the cat and through the patio door. Lee had accidental damage cover which meant he could claim to replace the shattered glass.

Faye returned home from work to find some of her favourite antique ornaments smashed on the floor. Sitting amid the chaos was her neighbour’s cat who had climbed in through an open window. The cat, like many in Instagram videos, had knocked the items over. Faye’s contents insurance was able to cover the cost of the broken ornaments, so she could replace them.

Painting paws 
Ian was doing some DIY and adding a coat of paint over some marked walls while his wife was out walking the dog. When they returned the dog excitedly ran through the house, through a paint tray and onward through the lounge leaving ‘painty’ paw marks all over the carpets. After cleaning the dog’s paws Ian was able to claim on his home insurance to have the carpet replaced.
Hungry husky 
Lisa took her hearing aids out to clean them. She placed them on the coffee table whilst she went to collect clean water and a brush. When she was out of the room her dog was sniffing around the table and mistook the hearing aids for treats. Lisa had already planned ahead and made sure her hearing aids were covered under her home insurance and she was able to successfully make a claim. 
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Your pension savings, your future options

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Your pension savings, your future options

Your pension savings, your future options

Why you should consider modernising your pension

As well as giving you greater freedom over how you access your savings, there are several other benefits when modernising your pension:

 – Take full control of your pension savings
 – Choose when and how to draw an income to suit your retirement planning
 – Keep your options open for drawing an income in the future
 – Optimise your tax efficiency – both on any money you might leave invested, and Inheritance Tax.

If your pension plan does not offer all four of these options, then you should think about switching it.

What else do you need to think about? 

There are other factors to take into account when switching to a modern pension.

Firstly, the chances are the costs will increase. You may end up paying as much as an extra 1% of the value of your savings annually. So, if you have saved £200,000, your provider could charge up to £2,000 more per year. And if you seek financial advice, your adviser may also levy a fee, either upfront or as an ongoing service charge. These additional fees eat into your pot, but you could equally benefit from the flexible access as well as greater visibility and control.

Another consideration is tax. Regardless of whether you stick with your current pension or switch to a modern one, your income – other than the first 25% of a partial or whole lump sum- is subject to your highest rate of tax. Seeking professional advice can help you access your savings in a tax-efficient manner.

There is certainly, plenty to consider and it is wise to regularly explore your current and potential retirement routes.

Thanks to pension freedoms introduced in 2015, savers over 55 have a wide range of options when it comes to drawing from your savings, and this brings opportunities although it’s also easier to make a mistake.

There are now essentially four main ways for you to access your pension savings:

1. Buy an annuity which guarantees an income, typically for the rest of your life but in some cases for a fixed period 
2. Flexi-Access Drawdown allows you to withdraw from your savings when you need to, while the balance remains invested
3. Take it all out as cash with the first 25% tax free and you pay income tax at your marginal rate on the rest, although you may face a hefty tax bill the following year 
4. Take part of it out as cash with the first 25% tax free with the rest taxed at your marginal income tax rate. You can do this as many times as you like until you no longer have any pension savings.

The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.

HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen.

Information contained in this article concerning taxation and related matters are based on Openwork’s understanding of the present law and current legislation.
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Reviewing your pension contributions

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Reviewing your pension contributions

 As you approach retirement, you probably want to know when you can afford to stop working. Having worked hard throughout your career you deserve to enjoy your retirement without having to worry about your finances. It may be worth reviewing your pension contributions to make sure you are taking advantage of the incentives offered by the government and your employer.

Make the most of tax relief… 

The government tops up your pension contributions in the form of tax relief at your highest rate of income tax to encourage you to save. Basic rate taxpayers receive tax relief of 20%, while higher rate and additional rate taxpayers can claim back 20% and 25% respectively through their tax returns.

…and understand employer contributions 

Since 2012, employers have been legally obliged to automatically enrol employees in a pension scheme, although you can opt out. As an incentive, employers top up employee contributions. The government increased the minimum contribution to 8% from April 2019 – at least 3% from employers with employees making up the balance. It is worth remembering that the employee’s contribution includes tax relief.

Are you saving enough? 

There are no fixed rules about how much you should contribute to your pension because of course everyone’s circumstances are different. However, one rule of thumb is to take the age you started saving and divide it by two to give you the percentage of your salary which you might wish to put away each year. So, if you set up your pension at the age of 30, you could aim to pay in 15% of your salary.

Stick within the limits 

There are rules covering how much you can contribute, and you could face a hefty tax bill if you break them. The annual allowance for the 2019/20 tax year is £40,000 or your full salary (whichever is lower).
There is also the lifetime allowance – the maximum amount you can withdraw from a pension scheme. It is currently £1,055,000 and likely to increase with inflation. It’s probably wise to keep a close eye on the value of your pension if it starts approaching this limit.
Deciding whether or not you can afford to retire is a significant consideration, and so it makes good sense to regularly review how much you are saving and ensure you are taking full advantage of any incentives.

Did you know…?
Gender pay gap 
Pensions for women are £7500 less than men on average and yet on average women live for three years longer than men.
A nation unprepared for retirement 
Over half of the British population admits to either not saving for a pension or not saving enough for the retirement that they would like to live.
The rise of pensioners 
In 1901, there were ten people working for every pensioner. By 2050 it has been predicted that there will be one pensioner to every two workers.

The value of your investments can fall as well as rise, and you may get back less than you invest.
HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen.
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Does diversification matter?

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Does diversification matter?

 When it comes to building your investment portfolio, you might have been warned about avoiding putting all your eggs in one basket. It’s wise to spread your money across a range of different investments. That way, if the value of one of them falls, it should have a limited effect on the overall performance of your portfolio.

How to diversify your portfolio

In practical terms, diversity involves investing in different asset classes across various countries and regions.

The two main asset classes in most portfolios are shares and bonds, and these behave differently. When you invest in shares, you buy into a company’s ongoing operations. The value of shares fluctuates according to the fortunes of the company, so they are riskier than bonds. Of course, the returns can be greater too.

A bond is effectively a loan to the issuer in return for a fixed interest payment. A government bond, such as a gilt, is considered among the least risky investments, as the UK government is unlikely to default, although returns can be lower.

Most portfolios will also diversify holdings across developed countries, like the UK, the US and within Europe, and regions such as emerging markets (EMs). Developed countries typically have relatively stable economies and stock markets comprising large, well-established companies. EMs on the other hand, are growing faster so they offer greater potential rewards, however, they tend to be more unpredictable, so they are regarded as higher risk.

How diversification works

During times of uncertainty, bonds usually rally as investors move their money out of shares and into safe-haven assets.

When the outlook improves, shares rebound as investors switch back to taking greater risk in return for what they hope will be a higher reward.

As for geographical diversification, any number of economic or political factors can weigh on the financial markets in one country or region without necessarily spreading into others.

Assets and regions are not always uncorrelated in the short term. Most asset classes fell towards the end of 2018 due to concerns about global trade, slowing economic growth and the prospect of rising interest rates. They then rose in tandem at the start of 2019. As long as your portfolio is well diversified, it should weather market fluctuations.

The value of your investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.

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Relevant Life Plan

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Relevant Life Plan

Do you want to provide valuable life cover and financial security for your employees and your family in a tax efficient manner? A Relevant Life Plan could be the answer.

What is a Relevant Life Plan?

A Relevant Life Plan is an individual ‘death in service’ life policy that is affected by an employer on the life of an employee and is funded by the employer. It is a term assurance plan designed to pay a lump sum benefit if the employee covered dies or is diagnosed with a terminal illness during their employment, within the term of the plan.

Relevant Life Plans are similar to most other types of life cover but can be a very useful tax efficient alternative providing valuable death in service benefits.

Added peace of mind

The unique way in which Relevant Life Plans work mean you can effectively have the taxman help pay for the cover. While the cover is personal to your employees, the policy counts as an allowable business expense for tax purposes and employer’s payments do not count towards the employees annual or lifetime pension allowances.

In most cases Relevant Life Plan premiums and paid benefits qualify for full Income Tax relief, National Insurance relief and Corporation Tax relief.

What can you save?

A Relevant Life Plan could result in savings for a business when compared with a typical life policy. Premiums could be reduced by up to 50% if you’re a higher rate taxpayer and up to 40% for a basic rate taxpayer.

Mr A paying personally for life assurance

ABC Ltd paying for a Relevant Life Policy

Monthly premium from income after tax = £200

Monthly premium paid by LBD Ltd = £200

Pre-tax income needed to fund £200 at Income Tax rate of 40% and employee National Insurance at extra 2% rate = £344.83

No Income Tax, employee’s or employer’s National Insurance payable = £200

Employer’s National Insurance contributions at 13.8% on salary paid by LBD Ltd = £47.59

Total cost to = £392.41

No employer’s National Insurance contribution

Less Corporation Tax at 19% as an allowable deduction. Salary, Income Tax and National Insurance are allowable expenses against Corporation Tax Total cost = £317.85

Less Corporation Tax at 19%, as the plan is an allowable deduction Total cost to LBD Ltd = £162

Personally paying for life cover costs Mr A £317.85 a month. ABC Ltd paying through a Relevant Life Policy costs £162 a month. That’s a saving of £155.85 a month – over 50% less than paying for cover individually.

This information is based on our understanding of current legislation, taxation law and practice, which may change. The value of any tax relief depends on the individual circumstances of the investor.

HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen. 

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